Category: Current Events (page 3 of 4)

Seen at the Women’s March

Seen at the Women’s March in NYC:

At first I thought maybe this was just a Photoshop, but here’s the video.

Now I will be waiting patiently for our righteous media to come out howling with demands that the march organizers denounce this blatant racism.


Even if they were confronted, I guarantee the organizers wouldn’t apologize or condemn their own.

Update:  I still couldn’t believe that this wasn’t, perhaps, digitally manipulated, but I did find this second video.  However, the interview there makes me think that this guy is undercover behind enemy lines, trying to make them look bad.  Either way, the organizers failed to kick him out and denouce him.

Losing… is a Disease

Initially I didn’t want to say much about the Covington Catholic “MAGA kids” incident that demonstrated so much that is wrong with the country today:  the horrible enemy of the American people — the Fake News — lying yet again to the public; the violent Twitter mob of leftists calling, with impunity, for the deaths of more Republicans; and the Fake political activism of a Fake Vietnam vet.  But there are so many teachable moments that have come from it that we must reflect on them if we want to learn how to win.

The first thing we are reminded of is that “conservativism” is a losing mindset, and we see that immediately with all of the so-called “allies” who piled on and instantly condemned these kids for being “racist” and “reprehensible”.  Of all of the terrible things the kids had to suffer from this, the fact that their own school, diocese, and the March for Life organizers threw them under the bus was the most despicable.

Let’s look at the initial statement from the March for Life organizers that was posted on Twitter (and their homepage), and then later removed:

The pro-life movement at its core is a movement of love and the reprehensible behavior shown in the video in no way represents the 46 years and millions of people who have peacefully and respectfully gathered in Washington, DC to stand up for the unborn.  Nor does it represent the vast majority of the marchers present at this year’s March for Life. Such behavior is not welcome at the March for Life and never will be.

The Diocese of Covington issued a similar statement.  The school administrators denounced their own kids (without even hearing their side of the story), and publicly stated that “expulsion” for one or more of the students was on the table.

Can you imagine the balls on these people?

These kids came out 500 miles in the bitter cold, sacrificing their time, money, and energy to go support their March and at the first sign of trouble the organizers threw them to the pack of wolves. Can you believe it?  Why would they do that?  Because “conservative” leaders are more interested in earning the human respect of their enemies than they are of WINNING.  And that’s why, since the 1950s, leaders of the conservative movement have not been able to conserve anything in this country.  They have no significant political victories.  It has gotten so bad that, in the Obama era, conservatives were not even able to conserve same-sex bathrooms.  Your little Jenny now has to share the bathroom with Mr. Butch.

And this is why today’s young kids who are right-wing don’t identify as “conservative”.  They want to be called Alt-Right or they want to identify with a movement like MAGA or whatever.  They instinctively see that conservativism is a naturally defensive position.  All the enemy has to do is wear you out, and you lose.  And the enemy has plenty of time.  Can you win any boxing matches by being on defense every round?  Can you win a baseball game without ever hitting the ball?

Wherever the enemy applies heat the conservative is quick to negotiate a noble surrender.  Read the statement again from the March for Life.  Automatically they assumed that their enemies provided accurate information, and they rushed to beg their enemies to not think so poorly of them.  Did it work?  Well, the responses on Twitter to that statement, from the Left, were absolutely brutal.  They gave them no quarter.  They trashed those pro-life people as terrible, horrible human beings.  So no.  It didn’t work at all.  Their appeasement did not win over their enemies.

Meanwhile, they also pissed off their own supporters by showing cowardice.  One Twitter poster summed it up perfectly:

Pontius Pilate caved to the mob, too, but at least he hesitated — “Why? What has this man done?” — before handing Christ over to the torturers.

Consider a simple analogy.  Imagine a general out on the battlefield.  And from a far distance a battalion comes to support the fight.  Upon seeing the battalion of refreshed, vigorous fighters, the enemy complains, “We don’t like what that group is wearing!  If you want our approval, and if you want us to see you as fighting an honorable fight, we demand you rid yourself of them!”  Now what the hell kind of general would agree with that, and then send the new battalion off, alone, to be slaughtered by the enemy’s soldiers?  Well that is exactly the type of leaders we have in our “conservative” movements today.

Action Plan

These high school kids need to come together, be unified, and make a demand:  The diocese and the school administration must issue a public statement of apology.  The kids must agree and demand that the administration not sanction a single student with a suspension, expulsion or anything else.  If they let one kid be punished, then they must realize that it’s open season on all of them.  Stick together and tell the school:  if you penalize one, you have to penalize us all.  Walk out if you have to.  You have power if you stick together and stay organized.

Second step:  every one of these Catholic high school kids on the East Coast who get sent to this March every year need to come together (on the Internet) and issue a demand:  The March for Life organizers must issue a public apology and the leaders must step down.  If they don’t, the students should boycott the March next year.  Let’s see what their numbers look like then.

Anti-Racism is Racism Against Whites

The kid in the MAGA hat who stood there, with a drum being banged in his face, saying nothing and doing nothing, was convicted on the Internet of the high felony of racism.  The evidence?  He was white and wearing a MAGA hat.

Meanwhile, after the full video came out, what did we learn?  We learned that the commotion was primarily caused by the Black Hebrew Israelites, a group of about five black men who were using every foul and derogatory slur for both the white kids and the Native American group.  Nobody in the media called them out for their racism, despite the fact that this entire event went to hysterics over the supposed great crime of racism.  They were calling people crackers… faggots… pedophiles… products of incest… they dropped the n-bomb so many times you couldn’t even count it.  And NOBODY on the Left called them out.  Why?  Because they were black.  And racism is the new black privilege.  The charge of “racism” is simply a tool to get white people to cower and agree to de-fang themselves before the battle.

This entire media brouhaha came down to one objective:  making it less acceptable to be white in this country.  It was a full-on assault on white kids.

Identity = Strength

Did you notice that with all those kids there, not one of them got hurt, despite the aggressive posture of the troublemakers?  Why?  Because they had numbers, and they stuck together.  They stuck together because they had a common identity.  And that means if you tried to take on one, you’d have to take on all of them.  You don’t back-stab and turn on your people at the first sign of trouble.  There’s an important political metaphor here about how to win:  stick together and be organized.

One other thing of note.  Those five black men that were shouting those racial slurs… how many were harmed by the crowd of hundreds of white kids?  Answer:  not a single one had walked away with a scratch on them.  If the roles were reversed — if five middle-aged white men were shouting racial slurs to a group of black high school kids — how do you think that would have ended? And how would the media have covered it?

Never Apologize

Learn something from these kids:  never apologize to the enemy.  They are not interested in receiving an apology for the sake of honor.  No, they use an apology to stop your momentum and to emasculate you.  It’s a tactic designed to shift all blame onto you so that they can regain the upper hand in the battle.

Better Learn Arabic Quick

A population expert claims that native English speakers will become a minority in Sydney in just 10 years.

Mark McCrindle, a social demographer who regularly provides advice to large companies and governments, has said that if current census trends continue native English speakers would be in the minority in the city.

‘We’re edging closer and closer to that point when more than half will speak another language and we will hit that in a little over a decade,’ Mr McCrindle said of primary languages spoken at home by Sydney families.

‘What is interesting in the five years from the previous census to the latest one, the number-one language spoken changed to Mandarin from Arabic, which is now number two,’ he said, according The Daily Telegraph.  (source)

It will be interesting to see how well the new multicultural Sydney gets along.  Historically, people have separated into countries with borders for a reason.

All throughout the West I see similar stories about halal products like the one that follows.  However, it seems that nobody is willing to make a point about the completely unsanitary conditions of halal slaughterhouses, or how the animals are not killed properly.

Why do I feel that Muslims are free to do and say all kinds of politically incorrect things and the Left will never call them out on it? Almost as if they value the Muslims for the role they play (a conquering force) while valuing political correctness for the role it plays (silencing whites and Christians from defending themselves).

Goodbye, Sweden

The following graphic shows the number of reported rapes in Sweden from 1975 – 2018.

That’s some chart, huh?  Now I wonder what’s going on here.  Are native Swedes all of a sudden interested in raping their women at astonishing rates?  What changed?  Could it be all that new… diversity?

Rapes up over 1,600% in 40 years.

Sweden now has one of the highest rape rates in the entire world.  But hey, at least they’re not racist!

The leaders of Sweden know this, and they don’t care.  The media over there hardly reports the crime.

Import the third world, become the third world.


Learning Philosophy at the University of Georgia

When you think of a university-level philosophy class what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  Maybe Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, right?


This is 2019 now, my friend.  And if you go to the University of Georgia and are fortunate enough to be taught by Irami Osei-Frimpong, you’re going to hear all about the evil white man and how he needs to be put in his place to fix all the racial injustices.

Let’s take a look at the mindset of the man teaching our young people:

I guess I am going to post once more on Curry’s situation. We are too easy on white people. The Washington Examiner posted an article with the lead: “Curry called for white genocide, saying in a 2012 podcast ‘in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.’ “

First of all, killing some white people isn’t genocide; it’s killing some white people. We had to kill some white people to get out of slavery. Maybe if we’d killed more during the 20th century we still wouldn’t talk about racialized voter disenfranchisement and housing, education, and employment discrimination.

This should not be controversial. Some white people are really bad, and America abetted them reproducing that badness in their white progeny. I’d rather contain them with law enforcement, but US law enforcement isn’t particularly committed to making sure that white people act in accordance with racial justice. If we want racial justice without having to kill them, then all of our educational and media institutions should be preparing white people for the hit they are going to have to take, so that we get racial justice without killing too many of them.

This includes drilling down the notion that in order to make the country whole, we are going to have to take some of their shit. Whether it’s their money, their illusion of safety, or their self-esteem, a lot of the stuff we’ve led white people to believe is inalienably theirs; we are going to have to alienate and redistribute. And if I know white people — and I do — some of them are going to resent it and fight back with arms. I’d rather not have to kill them, but like Tommy said, “In order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.” The deep problem is that we’ve spent too long making policies out of coddling and producing the wrong type of white people.  (source)

What do you think?  Sounds like a great educator, right?

We can talk about voter suppression. We can talk about ID laws. But all of this begins and ends with the fact that we make crappy White people.

So if we are serious, we have to dismantle the institutions that make crappy white people. Their churches, their schools, their families.

The objective:  dismantle white people’s institutions.

Still think we’re going to vote our way out of this mess?

How does he view the results of the Georgia gubernatorial race where Stacey Abrams lost to Brian Kemp?  It was white supremacy, of course.

You see, when blacks vote for their best interests, that’s morally upstanding.  When whites vote for their interests, it’s “white supremacy”.  90% of blacks voted for Stacey Abrams.

He is right about one thing and we would be wise to hear it:  the Democratic Party has turned into an anti-white, anti-worker party.  If you’re white and want to preserve your life, you better move hard right and counter this insane tide of making the white man the world’s whipping post.  And if not, you will go the way of the French Haitians or the Rhodesians and South Africans.  You may not be interested in identity politics, but identity politics is interested in you.  All of them are ganging up to purge you from your land.

You get that?  We need to integrate all the schools so that blacks can get “practice” fighting the whites.

Portrait of a Cuck

Republicans LOVE to lose. If losing were an Olympic sport, Republicans would win all the medals. There is nothing that gives them a greater rise than being defeated by their opponents.

Look at how skillfully they submit to the frame of their enemies, always so eager to grovel for their acceptance:

That’s the GOP “leader”, folks.  Down here in the “real world”, this is what we call controlled opposition.

You will never see the Democrats rise up to criticize the language of one of their own. They will not even denounce the violent tactics of their guerrilla warfare goon squad Antifa. Democrats never apologize.

But not Republicans. Oh, no. Republicans love to rush out and virtue-signal how not racist they are. “Surely you will like us now, right guys?”

Here’s a question: If black supremacy and Jewish supremacy and Latino supremacy are all tolerated and even celebrated in our culture, why is there no room for white supremacy?

Blacks are encouraged to vote in their best interests. Jews vote for their interests. Latinos vote for their interests. But whites aren’t allowed to vote according to their interests? In the very country they built?  Now why is that?

When is the US Congress going to get up and pass a unanimous resolution denouncing the anti-white hatred and bigotry that is gripping our nation?

Let’s just admit it: both political parties are anti-white, in accord with the rules set out by their masters.  They want you gone, because you’re so difficult to control.

How’s That Democracy Working Out for Ya?

“But at least I have muh Constitution!”

We’re almost three years since the Brexit referendum where the British expressed, through the mechanism of the ballot box, that they wanted their nation out of the EU.  And to this day they’re no closer to the exit.

Two years ago the American people made clear that they want immigration stopped and a wall erected at the southern border.  And a single brick has yet to be laid.

Meanwhile, all over Europe and North America, the third-world invasion continues at break-neck pace — an invasion that no country’s people had voted for.  An invasion that is radically transforming their nations into something entirely different than what they once were.  Nations that now look a lot more like Africa and Pakistan than Ireland and Sweden.

Do you ever get the feeling that “democracy” is just a lie designed to make you believe that you have a choice in determining the future of your country?  And while you toil at the voting booth trying to effect “change”, The Powers That Be are busy looting your country?

I think I’ve had enough.  I’m ready for a king who is willing to rise up, take command and crush our enemies once and for all.


A Disturbing Trend Indeed

A middle school in California invoked disciplinary measures against a dozen kids after shocked parents discovered that they shared hateful messages in a private chat room and laid together in the shape of a swastika.

In total, 12 students at Matilija Junior High School in Ojai, southern California received a “disciplinary consequence” for exchanging offensive texts in a closed chat room or forming a ‘human swastika’ on a lawn during lunch break, the local school district’s superintendent Andy Cantwell confirmed on Tuesday. (source)

What’s that you say? A “human swastika”? Middle school students? I’m shocked!

A group of California junior high students were caught forming a swastika with their bodies on school grounds and exchanging racist and violent messages on a group chat, administrators said.

The middle school in Ojai, a small city 80 miles north-west of Los Angeles, told parents in a letter in December that officials had discovered photos showing “nine students laying on the field together to form the shape of a swastika during lunch”. Administrators said the images appeared in a group chat that was active in November and December and featured “racist, sexually inappropriate and threatening commentary”, including one student’s call “to bring knives to school”. The photos and texts have not been released.

Cyndi Silverman, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who has been working with Ojai school officials, told the Guardian that there were 28 students on the group chat, which featured a wide range of hateful content: “There were a number of texts that were anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, anti-black, anti-Latino.” (source)

Wow! Thirteen-year-olds embracing the swastika? What could possibly be going on here?

Well, let’s take a stab at this one. This cohort has grown up being told that whites are the source of all the evils in the world. And everything their ancestors have ever built — including their very own countries — was all built off the backs of non-whites. All their wealth and achievements were stolen, not earned. They even coined a term for this: white privilege.

And now, as the narrative goes, it is time for whites to be dispossessed of the countries their ancestors built. It is time for whites to step aside and allow “people of color” to run this nation. It is time to submit, roll over, and open the borders for the great replacement.

But you know what? These kids grew up with smartphones and tablets and laptops. Smartphones and tablets and laptops with Internet access, where they can circumvent the official narrative of the mainstream media and read sites where the truth is presented unvarnished and uncensored. They have less disgust for the pawns of the third-world invasion than they do for the architects — in the government, the media, in Hollywood and the music industry, the banking industry — and by an overwhelming proportion those architects are atheist Jews. They know that Hollywood is coordinating efforts to push degeneracy into the cultural norm, to destroy our children before they even come of age. They know that blacks don’t have the means to come up with and sustain an elaborate, unending grievance narrative; that, instead, blacks are learning that message from our new culture-setters. They know that the primary pushers for war intervention in the Middle East just have that uncanny characteristic of being “dual-citizens”, with a primary allegiance to a certain other Middle East country that benefits from these wars.

Do we see where this is going?

“The thought that nine middle school students took it upon themselves to form a human swastika is chilling,” Silverman said. “In 2017, we saw a 94 percent increase in hate incidents in K-12 schools, and, unfortunately, this is yet another example of this disturbing trend.” (source)

A disturbing trend indeed.

Let Them Eat Cake

Nothing sums up the indifference shown by our national media and politicians to the real problems that Americans face on a daily basis better than the following image:

One must really be ignorant of history to think this kind of treachery goes forever unanswered.

It’s Plain and Simple and Unavoidable

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