Category: Diversity (page 2 of 5)


Sometimes it’s easier to live in denial but the effects can’t be escaped long-term.

After the shooting in a mosque in New Zealand, we see many efforts in the country to show solidarity with the Muslim community. But for members of Islam — a militant religion that conquers every where it goes — these efforts will be perceived as signs of weakness and signs that Islam is getting the upper hand. Consider that Muslim Friday prayers were broadcast on nationwide television as New Zealanders bent over backwards to virtue signal their support for the conquerors.

Police officers and even the Prime Minister herself have taken the hijab to show “respect” for Islam. Can’t they see this is perceived as a sign of submission? Or perhaps there is a subconscious desire on their part to submit to the forces of Islam?

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

In general, it is preferable that women not be police officers or heads of state or governors or the like. Women have, as part of their feminine perfections, a natural inclination towards submission. And when invading forces are afoot, that inclination can be disastrous for a country.

School… or Zoo?

Next time somebody tells you that spending $15,000 per pupil per year isn’t enough money for “our schools”, just show them this video:

Welcome to the Jungle

A couple of interesting stories came out this week about NYC public schools.  Both make it apparent that the Bronx Zoo now has better behaved animals.

The first is actually a good story, and shows a path that we need to consider exploring more frequently:  lawsuits.  A teacher won a “substantial” settlement from the Department of Education for being treated like a bag of garbage by her students and, implicitly, by the administration that allowed these students to run buckwild in her classroom.  And yes, ultimately this money comes from the taxpayers, but if there were enough successful settlements against these government schools, maybe people will finally be held accountable.  (Then again, this is America, which is now Clown World, so maybe not.)

An immigrant Bosnian city teacher who complained of horrific racial, sexual, and physical abuse from students has settled a lawsuit against the Department of Education, The Post has learned.

Aida Sehic and the DOE agreed to resolve the case this week for an undisclosed but “substantial” sum, according to her attorney, Bryan Glass.

Sehic’s Manhattan federal suit said students in Bronx and Manhattan schools cracked her nose with a bag of metal rulers, stabbed her with a mechanical pencil, routinely demanded sex acts, overturned her classroom and frequently called her a “white bitch.”

Sehic said she repeatedly sought relief from a range of sources, including school administrators, her union and even cops.

But there was little interest in her woes – and Sehic said she was instead targeted for termination because of her complaints and hit with disciplinary charges in 2016.

What lovely students she must have had.

The second story from the NY Post has direct feedback from NYC teachers themselves.  I think I would rather clean toilets at Taco Bell than deal with this crap:

“If I had a dime for every time I was told to suck something, I’d be a millionaire,” said a female Jamaica, Queens, high school teacher.

“You can’t even tell a student that they aren’t going to pass a test or a class anymore because they will go to an administrator and complain that you made them feel uncomfortable and we’ll get written up,” she added.

The situation is no better in elementary schools, a teacher at Staten Island’s PS 44 said.

“In the lunchroom, there are constant fights … I had to go to urgent care. I was kicked in the knee [by a student]. I was limping for a week. I had blocks thrown at me,” she said.

It wasn’t always so bad, a Manhattan junior high school teacher said.

“Before, you couldn’t get away with saying ‘F you’ to a teacher or ‘Suck my d–k.’ But now there is no accountability,” she said.

Imagine somebody who has the desire to be a teacher.  She studies, gets the requisite certifications, lands the job and prepares her teaching materials.  She’s motivated by the desire to go into that school and show the kids how to explore, learn, grow and become wholesome, productive citizens for our country.  And on her first day she walks into her kindergarten classroom and some kid tells her to “Suck my d–k”.

That’s the New America.

Many moons ago the public schools were integrated at the end of a barrel of a gun.  The federal government literally sent the military to many states and forced the schools to be integrated.  How’s that working out now that discipline has regressed to the natural state of the jungle?


Muslim Criticizes Jews, Whites Blamed

To give an idea of just how little representation whites have in their own country, consider the bizarre case of uppity Muslim House Representative Ilhan Omar criticizing dual loyalty in the US Congress and the Congress responding by passing a resolution condemning white supremacy:

Whereas white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponized hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and violence.

In that long list of “victims that need to be defended from acts of bigotry”, do you happen to notice which group was excluded?

On the one hand, I must give the Democrats credit.  After Omar’s controversy, they circled the wagons, protected her, took hold of the issue and turned this resolution into another chance to brow-beat whites who were simply watching on the sidelines.

Compare it to how the Republicans treated Steve King when he said that, perhaps, Western Civilization is kind of good and stuff.  Immediately they took to Twitter to denounce him.  The House Minority Leader went all over the Sunday morning talk shows to grovel and explain that “that’s not who we are”.  Then they proceeded to pass a resolution 424-1 denouncing… you guess it!  White supremacy!

Putting aside this obvious clown world state of things, what about the content of Omar’s criticism?

Let us say that there was a foreign country — say, Russia or Japan — that had one of the most powerful lobbies in the country, such that every presidential candidate must go before the lobby and pledge his obeisance to this foreign country with a speech detailing how his (or her) presidency would be good for that foreign country.  Imagine if most members of Congress took money from this lobby.  Imagine if criticizing this lobby would result in widespread condemnation from all sides.  Imagine if US foreign policy in the region where this foreign country lies was dictated not by the will of the people, but by what would most benefit this foreign country, including deployment of troops for wartime activities.  Now imagine that there were members of the US Congress that had DUAL CITIZENSHIP with this foreign country.

Does anybody think that would fly if it was any country other than Israel?

I don’t know any serious nation in the world that allows its representatives to be dual citizens.

After Omar made her comments, President Trump tweeted that it was “a dark day for Israel!”  It’s been a dark day in America ever since our border has been trespassed with millions of annual invaders.  But I don’t see anybody doing anything about it.  Trump said that he has now reversed his decision and will be keeping some troops in Syria “to protect Israel”.   The American people don’t want our troops in Syria.  That has been said over and over again.  Why does Israel get to veto the foreign policy wishes of the American people?  Are we allowed to have any say at all in our government?

Has the United States become a vassal country of Israel?  It doesn’t seem that far-fetched.

Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.


A Metaphor of South Africa

Meanwhile, on the home front… Wanting to defend your nation’s heritage is literally Hitler!

Doesn’t this lady have her own country she can go to rather than wrecking ours?

From Breadbasket to Famine

Once upon a time Zimbabwe — formerly known as Rhodesia — had such strong agricultural output that it was considered a breadbasket of the southern portion of Africa.  Well, times have changed.

The UN and Zimbabwean authorities on Thursday launched an urgent appeal for $234 million (205 million euros) for more than five million people in need of aid. The appeal came as UN Humanitarian Affairs chief Mark Lowcock visited the country to assess its problems.

Funds are needed to “provide urgent food, health, water, sanitation, hygiene and protection support” for 2.2 million people of the 5.3 million people in need over the next six months, the United Nations said in a statement.

“In areas across the country, there are acute shortages of essential medicines, and rising food insecurity has heightened the risk of gender-based violence, particularly for women and girls.”

Zimbabwe’s economy has been on a new downward spiral since 2012. In January, annual inflation shot to 57% from 42.09% in December 2018, according to official figures.

Boy… things aren’t looking so good ever since they killed and drove out the whites from there.  Apparently things like farming and running countries are hard work.  Unfortunately, whitey will still end up paying for it all anyway through “UN aid”.

Maybe the Chinese will have better luck…

…or maybe not.

An Inspiring Ballad Featuring Jeezy and Rich Homie Quan

Americans bought the lie of equality and, well… Congratulations!  Here’s your new culture:

When that video has 300 MILLION views, you can be sure that this isn’t something limited to just black culture. This is all of America. This is what your kids listen to.

The American people have rejected the great culture, philosophy, achievements and traditions of their ancestors and now they’re consuming “art” from these ignorant slobs who haven’t even figured out how to wear pants yet.  And now nature is going to exact its punishment for our lack of piety and fidelity.

Prediction: within 50 years we won’t even have indoor plumbing in this country any more.

Melbourne, London, Chicago: It’s the Same Everywhere

It seems it doesn’t matter where you go in the world: where there’s blacks, there’s trouble.

And Chicago has a lot of blacks.

A recurring theme seems to be mob assaults on the CTA Red Line subway trains. Here’s the latest group of “teens” contributing to society:

This is just the latest in a recurring problem. Last year, on several occasions, there have been many Chicago-area stores vandalized and trashed by roving mobs of “teens”. A similar assault occurred against a Chinese man and his girlfriend before New Years.  The man suffered a fractured eye socket. Why is this happening? Can a Chinese man be blamed for the “racial injustices” of America’s past?  Or could that just be a bullshit excuse to do violence?

Of course, the Chicago police are useless to do anything about these mobs. In fact the Superintendent is on record saying that it’s just “kids doing goofy things”. How do you see it: Is the government going to protect you?

How about our media? Do they make an issue of the epidemic of black-on-white violence that’s occurring out there? Have they talked about the Knockout Game? Why are they not covering the extraordinary amount of completely unprovoked hate crimes that are happening against whites? Why aren’t these criminals being charged with hate crimes? Is it okay when whites are the victims? The mainstream media will go to great lengths to talk about any of the various hate hoaxes out there. Day after day after day they whip up the hysteria over these hoaxes. But when are they going to focus on the black-on-white crimes?  With whom does the racism lie in this country? And why is our criminal justice system so futile at addressing this problem?  What is the long-term solution here?  What value do these people bring to the country?

Folks, a bit of advice: Stay far away from these people. Especially when you see them grouped in three or more.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or you’re elderly — they are incapable of empathy.  And if you have kids in school, get them the hell out of there. Why take the risk?

And yes, I have checked the following statistics. They are accurate.

Does This Look Like America?

Two-Step Plan for Success

Step 1: Kill all the white farmers.
Step 2: Starve to death.

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