Category: Memes (page 1 of 2)

Unhinged Communists

The more these people show themselves, the better:

Sparks will fly in Washington as activists torch an American flag to protest President Trump’s July Fourth “Salute to America,” which Trump claims will be one of the largest events in city history.

Longtime flag-burning activist Gregory “Joey” Johnson of the Revolutionary Communist Party told the Washington Examiner, “I’m going to be there in D.C.,” and “that rag of empire and oppression is going to burn.”

Trump wants to turn the traditionally nonpartisan Washington celebrations “into a fascist extravaganza of ‘make America white again,’ xenophobia, jingoism, and American chauvinism. And this is all dangerous to humanity,” Johnson said.

Now while this guy is no doubt a Communist nutburger, it’s important to note that probably most of the Left sympathizes with him and his ideas, including our trend setters in the media, Hollywood and Big Tech. Which means this is a good time to dust off this meme:

At Least He’s Being Honest

Do They Even Read Their Own Stuff?


That’s an Interesting Poll Result

I guess this didn’t quite turn out as expected:

This is pretty scary. Can you believe THAT many people voted for John McCain???

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