Category: Politics (page 1 of 7)

Tweet of the Year

Unhinged Communists

The more these people show themselves, the better:

Sparks will fly in Washington as activists torch an American flag to protest President Trump’s July Fourth “Salute to America,” which Trump claims will be one of the largest events in city history.

Longtime flag-burning activist Gregory “Joey” Johnson of the Revolutionary Communist Party told the Washington Examiner, “I’m going to be there in D.C.,” and “that rag of empire and oppression is going to burn.”

Trump wants to turn the traditionally nonpartisan Washington celebrations “into a fascist extravaganza of ‘make America white again,’ xenophobia, jingoism, and American chauvinism. And this is all dangerous to humanity,” Johnson said.

Now while this guy is no doubt a Communist nutburger, it’s important to note that probably most of the Left sympathizes with him and his ideas, including our trend setters in the media, Hollywood and Big Tech. Which means this is a good time to dust off this meme:

Posted Without Any Further Comment

Wednesday during an interview with Bloomberg TV’s “The David Rubenstein Show,” former White House chief of staff John Kelly said members of President Donald Trump’s family serving on the White House staff were “an influence that has to be dealt with.”

When asked if it is complicated to have the president’s family working at the White House, Kelly said, “They’re an influence that has to be dealt with.”

He added, “I by no means do I mean Mrs. Trump. The first lady is a wonderful person.”

Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner are senior advisors to the president.



CBS: Punch a “Nazi”

In a new episode of some dumb TV show designed to brainwash America, we have CBS promoting the idea that it’s okay to “punch a Nazi” unprovoked because certain political views — i.e., Nazism, which means voting Republican — are so beyond the pale that they can’t be tolerated in any fashion.

In the minds of CBS executives, political violence is a sometimes necessary and good thing.

For the future, remember that it is them who have written the rulebook to follow.

Here is the show’s actor, Nyambi Nyambi, telling us all about it.  Nyambi Nyambi feels quite smug lecturing the whites who built America about the evil of advocating for their self-interests.  After all, his family recently came from Nigeria, in Africa, where their amazingly civilized society has given him much to brag about.  It really makes one wonder… if black countries are so great and white countries so evil, why do they come or stay here in the first place?

Think of all the anti-white violence going on in the country today and ask yourself: aren’t the media and entertainment industries complicit in this? Aren’t they outright contributing to and encouraging this political violence? Well don’t give them a dime of your money. This isn’t the 1950s anymore. The people who run these corporations hate you and want you dead.

Pre-South Africa

Fifteen, maybe twenty years tops and whites in the United States will be pushed right off of their own lands by “their” government.

Shutting Down Social Media

Big Tech has a real problem on their hands as the nature of social media allows us regular folks to share information far more freely and easier than ever. Now people are getting information unfiltered rather than through the “official” channels of old (i.e., the unified anti-American media), which allows exposure to countervailing political opinions.

It’s just a matter of time until social media will need to be policed to the extent that “unapproved views” are not permitted at all.

A One-Year Warning


“Trump retreats” is a common theme in headlines these days.  He went from a national emergency, to threatening to close down the border, to giving Mexico a “one-year warning” to fix the problem themselves.

It is better for him to not bluff at all rather than make these empty threats on Twitter only to back down days later.  He’s showing himself to be a real paper tiger.  And surely President Xi is watching all this from afar and developing a strategy of ignoring Trump’s empty tariff threats and waiting him out?  We’re, what, two years into tariff negotiations with no progress yet?

Republicans need to find a new candidate for 2020. This guy is no longer a fighter. I don’t know if he’s compromised and the FBI has dirt on him, or this was his plan all along, but the MAGA agenda seems dead.

Shouting Fire

According to this poll taken after the Department of Justice released a synopsis of Mueller’s investigation, 48% of Americans surveyed still believe that Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. Only 49% don’t think President Trump should be impeached.

What can we conclude from this clear example of public insanity?

It proves that the media — in today’s unified form — have such extraordinary influence over public opinion that they successfully foisted a complete hoax upon a great part of the American people to the detriment of our country. This leads to two important questions that we need to consider going forward.

First, can we have any kind of “democratic” form of government when the people that are voting are so greatly misinformed that they are placing their votes based on false information, lies, and ignorance? How does that system work, exactly? The problem with universal suffrage is that we don’t have universal high intelligence and universal highly-informed knowledge. What we really have is a lot of ignorance out there and a lot of people who allow themselves to be manipulated by a relative handful of cretins in the media and entertainment industries. People want the right to vote but they don’t want to take the responsibility to inform themselves. (And the lower the average IQ of the United States becomes — and believe me, it’s dropping rapidly due to immigration — the more this weakness will be exploited.)

Second, this two-year episode makes it clear that all sane-minded people need to come together and demand that our legislators implement common sense media control. Just as we all know that the Second Amendment doesn’t allow any random individual to have a nuclear weapon in his basement, likewise the First Amendment is not a carte blanche for media companies to destroy the nation with a coordinated campaign designed to misinform the public. The intention of the First Amendment is to allow for the free exchange of ideas and information with the purpose of informing each other with the truth for the end goal of promoting the common good. Lying for two years about a Russian collusion hoax is nothing more than shouting fire in a crowded theater but on a grand scale.

There has to be real accountability here. And if the government isn’t going to take legal action, then the American people should resort to turning off their televisions and canceling their cable and newspaper subscriptions. Let these lying scoundrels lose their jobs and live in a cardboard box where their cancerous malice can be contained.

Illegal Immigration on Steroids

Where is the President?

So, what do you think? Does voting mean anything? Does anybody really believe in democratic institutions any more?

How many people have gone into the voting booth year after year and voted to transform the United States into Honduras? How many people voted for that? Was that ever on the ballot?

They come, drop an anchor baby ($25,000 for hospital delivery — and you pay for that), and 18 years later that’s another Democrat voter.

Say goodbye to your country… and all because a President was too afraid to be called racist, and his supporters were too weak to hold his feet to the fire.

A Crisis of Credibility

Consider for a moment that this ex-communist used to be the head of the CIA, and then ask yourself: How can Americans have faith in their political and media institutions anymore?

Gut check: After all of this hysteria, are we going to be more or less inclined to trust the honesty of our alphabet soup agencies in matters of national security and foreign affairs?

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