Category: Politics (page 3 of 7)

America First or…?

The current Speaker of the House has showed where her sympathies lie:

Is there any doubt about who runs this government?

A Metaphor of South Africa

Meanwhile, on the home front… Wanting to defend your nation’s heritage is literally Hitler!

Doesn’t this lady have her own country she can go to rather than wrecking ours?

Muh Constitution!

Another perfect example of a Republican cuck who loves nothing more than losing:

This country is being invaded and turned into a socialist third-world hellhole and this guy’s worried about whether or not building a wall is constitutional?  Could these people be any more clueless?

By the way when is Congress going to repeal ObamaCare?  Or end our unconstitutional troop deployments in the Middle East?


“Brits” Rising Up

Consider the following headline out of the UK:  “Furious parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

Okay, just kidding!  Here’s the REAL headline:  “Furious MUSLIM parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

You didn’t really think the native Brits would have the balls to rise up against their government overlords who are trying to push fag sex onto their kids, did you?  You didn’t really think they cared enough about their own kids to shield them from a bunch of freaks trying to teach them how to have buttsex, did you?

This is why I’m convinced Muslims are going to conquer Europe. They’re not a bunch of pozzed pussies like Westerners have become.

Furious Muslim parents reportedly withdrew 600 children from Parkfield Community School today after claiming they were being ‘brainwashed’ over gay lifestyles.

The pupils were taken out of classes as the row surrounding LGBT lifestyles being taught openly in the classroom escalated.

Kids have been withdrawn over the school’s “undermining of parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality”, according to Alum Rock Community Forum.

The forum adds: “Dialogue, petitioning and protests by parents have been repeated and arrogantly ignored.”

Dad Abdul Ma, 46, told the Sun : “This is a brainwash.”

“We bring our children here so they can later work as a solicitor or a teacher, not to be taught about being gay or a lesbian.”

Razina Mahmood, 40 added: “This is nothing but indoctrination of our children.”

“You are using our children as an experiment.”

When the hell are the native Brits (or any whites) going to do something effective like this?

Look at the ages of the kids being brainwashed:

“I have nothing against him and I fully respect his beliefs but this should be stopped being taught in schools. It’s not necessary. It’s confusing children.”

My little girl is four, she’s in reception and she came home asking me if it’s OK to be a boy instead of a girl and has dressed up in her brother’s clothes. She’s four years old.”

Mohammed Sakib, aged 37, who has children aged eight, nine and 10 at Parkfield Community School, added: “I respect all religions but why should sexuality be taught to primary school-aged children? It’s out of control.”

“[Mr Moffat] seems a friendly and good-natured guy but he needs to respect us as Muslim parents. He needs to listen.”

Another mum, who has children aged seven and 11 at Parkfield Community School, added: “Why does my seven-year-old girl need to be taught about same-sex marriages and homosexuality?”

“She should be playing, having fun and should be learning about English and maths. This curriculum is putting ideas into their heads.”



De-personing President McKinley

Not satisfied with removing statues of Confederate generals and soldiers, they’ve now moved on to removing statues of actual presidents.  Don’t be fooled — this is simply yet another anti-white attack disguised as political correctness.  Go back to the 19th century and try to find me any group that was more moral than white folks.  Good luck!

After years of contentious debate, an act of vandalism and a public vote, President William McKinley has lost his home at the center of Arcata Plaza in Humboldt County.

McKinley’s expansionist policies are now widely viewed as racist toward indigenous people. During his presidential tenure at the turn of the century, McKinley annexed tribal lands in the western U.S. and Hawaii in the name of Manifest Destiny.

A public vote on a measure to protect the state was voted down in Nov. 2018, allowing the city council to move forward with removal plans. The city confirmed that the statue is now gone via press release Thursday. Social media images captured the removal process.

They’re erasing you from history, white man.  No history, no future. They hate you and want you gone. They’re not motivated by justice, but rather by hate born from envy.

Piety: The Forgotten Virtue

To understand why we’re in such a mess today we need to consider how we have allowed ourselves to be cut off from our traditions.  And we can’t do that without considering the role of piety.  The word comes from the Latin pietas which means a dutifulness towards God, nation, family, etc., such that one should show honor and a sense of responsibility to those to whom they owe a debt of gratitude.  In ancient Roman times, pietas was considered a high virtue; but in the Christian religion it was raised to the dignity of one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.  So piety belongs to the virtue of justice because it demands that we give what is due to one who is owed.

Now let us consider this amazing event in the life of our Lord:

And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the solemn day of the pasch, And when he was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast, And having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day’s journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him.

And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? did you not know, that I must be about my father’s business? And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

(Luke 2:41-51)

The part in bold is translated in the New Lectionary as: “…and was obedient to them”.

For the purposes of this discussion, the relevance of this event is that it establishes that, to God, the Fourth Commandment is so important that He, in the person of Jesus, was even willing to submit and be obedient to His human parents, Mary and Joseph.  So God Himself insists on obeying the Fourth Commandment — to set an example for us.

To recall the Fourth Commandment:  Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

With a little bit of reflection we can see that this commandment is fulfilled with the virtue of piety.

The new Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that this commandment applies to all those to whom we have a duty:  “The fourth commandment is addressed expressly to children in their relationship to their father and mother, because this relationship is the most universal. It likewise concerns the ties of kinship between members of the extended family. It requires honor, affection, and gratitude toward elders and ancestors. Finally, it extends to the duties of pupils to teachers, employees to employers, subordinates to leaders, citizens to their country, and to those who administer or govern it.”  (paragraph 2199, emphasis mine)

So the problem that Western countries have today is that we do not show honor, respect or gratitude to our ancestors.  We have refused the traditions (or ways) that they passed on to us.  We have rejected their culture.  We have rejected their religion.  We’ve rejected their arts, philosophy, theology, ways of worshiping — all of it.  We thought that we were better than our ancestors, and we could throw off their ways and come up with all of our new stuff.

This is why the New Mass that Pope Paul VI promulgated in 1969 was so incredibly dangerous to the life and health of the Church, and therefore our very nations.  Can you imagine for a moment that the order of the Mass was passed on practically unchanged for at least 1,500 years (as far as records document), only to have a handful of people in the Vatican come up with something completely different in the 1960s, and then force it on the Church’s faithful?  Is that honoring our ancestors, as the Fourth Commandment requires?  Is that showing gratitude?  Does that respect our traditions?  Is that an expression of piety or not?

But it’s not just in the Church now.  It’s in our countries.  We’ve cut ourselves off from all the arts of our forefathers, and now we have all this garbage you see on TV or hear on iTunes.  Our contemporary political systems make absolutely no sense at all.  We have a banking industry built on usury — in complete rejection of the laws of our ancestors.  We think we’re better than them because we now have Crest toothpaste and air conditioning.  Are we really better?  Let’s look at it objectively:  we have demonstrated that we have not been able to maintain the civilization that they had built and handed on to us.  So we can’t even maintain what they built.  Who has the bigger accomplishment?

So what is the consequence of cutting ourselves off from our traditions?  Well it’s like cutting the boat’s rope from safe harbor, and our boat is floating at sea being ripped apart by the storm.  We no longer have access to the bulwark of safety, which is our great culture and the wisdom of our forefathers.  And if we don’t smarten up quick and take our obligation to piety more seriously, what is the long-term consequence?  Well it’s right there in the Fourth Commandment.  It says that if we obey this moral law, “our days may be long in the land which the Lord gives us”.  The implication is that if we don’t obey, we’re not going to keep this land that is ours.  And if we don’t think that’s possible, we would be wise to look at what’s happening with the third-world invasion of Europe, or what’s happening across America’s southern border.

If you hear anybody insulting our ancestors then go ahead and pop ’em right in the nose.  I don’t care if it’s a movie, a school textbook, some talking-head idiot on TV or whatever.  Don’t let them separate us from our people.  They want us to disown and disrespect our own blood.  If we feel shame for our ancestors, imagine what they would think of our ingratitude.

Be pious.  Even the ancient Romans and pagans were pious before the time of Christianity.  We can do it too, and we have God and our ancestors to help us.


The Tyranny of Tolerance

I am amazed at how many people today see George Orwell’s 1984 not as a warning, but rather an instruction manual.  News stories about punishing wrongthink are becoming quite common both in Europe and the United States.

In the following example, a young man was suspended from a university for not demonstrating sufficient enthusiasm for his countrymen’s demographic replacement:

A British teenager claims he has been suspended from university for describing halal slaughter as “inhumane” and saying immigrants should not be allowed to use the National Health Service (NHS) for free, and cannot return unless he signs a conduct agreement and undertakes diversity training.

UKIP activist Sebastian Walsh, 19, was critical of “Islamisation”, halal slaughter, and the treatment of women by sharia courts in class discussions at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) — and reported to the university authorities by his tutors and suspended as a result, according to MailOnline.

The university explains itself by saying that tolerance is its highest value, and therefore opinions other than their own are unacceptable:

“UCLAN is proud to host a campus community comprised of many cultures, faiths, nationalities and beliefs,” a spokesman for the university said in response to the controversy surrounding the suspension.

“It values this rich diversity and takes seriously its responsibility to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all [and] promotes lawful, open debate, the discussion of varying views and academic freedom and has in place robust procedures to ensure this can take place,” they added — but then went on to say that Walsh’s “offensive and inappropriate comments” were unacceptable.

For the record:  halal meat is disgusting.  First of all, there are many stories about the unsanitary conditions in halal slaughterhouses across the US.  Second, the method of killing is just plain inhumane.  Avoid halal meat at all costs if you can.  I say “if you can” because now many chain restaurants are including halal meat simply to appeal to the increasing Muslim population in Western countries.

This also calls attention to one of the more effective tactics that is being used against sane people:  if you simply express views that aren’t completely insane — e.g., wanting your nation to survive — you are being cut off from the structures of society:  suspended from university, fired from your job, having banks and credit card companies unwilling to do business with you, etc.  All because of your political beliefs.  It reminds me of something from the Apocalypse, where in the end times one won’t be able to buy or sell unless he has the “mark of the beast” (i.e., unless he succumbs to the wickedness of the era).


Get the Rope Ready

Consider the wit of Chesterton:

Which is the worse pestilence?  The rapist, or the one who invites the rapist into your home?

Folks, I wish this was a rare story coming from Europe but unfortunately it’s not.  When you indiscriminately openly your borders for the third-world to pour in unvetted, this sort of thing becomes all to common:

A 22-year-old Syrian man accused of being the instigator of a brutal gang rape of an 18-year-old German woman will appear in a juvenile court, despite his age.

Majd H. allegedly orchestrated the brutal four-hour gang rape of the teenager, which took place after he allegedly drugged her in a nightclub in Freiburg, south-west Germany on October 14 last year.

German police believe Majd H. raped the woman outside the club, before calling ‘at least nine’ of his friends, aged between 19 and 30, who then took turns in sexually assaulting her.  …

At the time of the sexual assault of the 18-year-old, Majd H. had an arrest warrant against him for a drugs offence, and was supposed to be arrested on the 23rd October. …

One of the other crimes which Majd H. is charged with is the alleged rape of a 19-year-old girl in September 2017 in his flat in Freiburg.

According to prosecutors, the 19-year-old was also raped by two other Syrian men aged 22 and 23. The latter allegedly also took part in the gang rape of the 18-year-old outside the night club.

Can you believe that the Germans of all people are tolerating this bullshit?  What the hell happened to them?  Their own girls are being gang-raped by “refugees” for whom their government makes accommodations.  And the same government thinks a juvenile court is fitting here?  I expect the rapists here will be getting a slap on the wrist, which is a common trend for migrants in Europe now.

What the hell is going on here?  Our countries are run by people who almost seem to get a thrill out of our subjugation.  No legitimate authority would ever tolerate this kind of violence from guests or invite it to their land.

According to local news reports, Majd H. came to Germany in 2014, and is believed to have had links to the YPG – a Kurdish militia which has been involved in fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

What do you expect to  happen when you just open your borders to everyone?

Would you let this guy into your country?

China’s Road Network

I might not be the most bullish person on China since I think they have many non-trivial problems brewing beneath the surface, but you have to admit that there is a lot to be said about how their government operates when it comes to building up the country.  There is an inherent strength in a nationalist form of government that is hard to deny.

Chinese leaders take the nation’s resources and reinvest them into its own country. This is what happens when it has leaders that care first and foremost about China. Contrast it to your typical Western democracy, which allows its treasury to be looted by all kinds of self-serving miscreants — the US is at $4 trillion dumped in the Middle East so far. Corruption in the Chinese government is certainly not uncommon, but I’ll bet it’s no more common than what occurs in today’s America. Every member of Congress comes out a multi-multi-millionaire. Think of the massive amount of tax revenue generated at the federal and local levels in the US, and consider that you can’t even get the potholes filled in your local road.

The problem with modern Western democracies is that they’re all led by “hired hands” who have no real stake in the countries they’re leading. They’re sort of like the CEO who takes over a company he didn’t build, and writes a golden parachute into his contract — he doesn’t care if the company goes under, as long as he gets his.  At least in China, President Xi and the rest of the Politburo know that if they don’t keep things running smoothly, they’ll be hanging from lampposts. There’s no similar fear in Western politics. In a worst case scenario, a politician is maybe voted out of office, but he still gets to keep all the capital he accumulated.

I think Western countries are going to have to take a bit of timeout and re-examine if the strategy we’ve adopted in modern decades is the right solution for the future.


Israeli-Occupied Territory

Israel is a quasi-apartheid ethnostate. In some sense, there’s nothing really wrong with that. That’s exactly how the United States was founded. It’s in the Constitution. Many Arabs (Palestinians) live in occupied territory and can not vote in elections. Jews don’t want this because if the Arabs could vote, they could, because of their size, overwhelm the vote and gain control of the country.

I understand completely.

But why can’t Americans have the same courtesy? If Americans want to restrict immigration because it’s fundamentally changing the character of the nation and resulting in voting patterns that are against the interests of the people, this is swiftly denounced 424-1 as “white nationalism”.

How come Israel is allowed to be an ethnostate but the US isn’t? Why aren’t Belgium and Ireland and Sweden and all the other European countries allowed to be ethnostates? We are told that these countries must not be racist and must open their borders and accept the entire world.

Why is apartheid okay in Israel but not in South Africa? Look at what has happened in South Africa: the people who founded the country are now being driven right out of it.

It really makes you wonder who owns the US Congress.

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