Category: Politics (page 4 of 7)

Generational Divides

One of the things you notice about the past 80 years is just how radically the United States has changed.  Not just in terms of technology and political perspectives, but especially demographics.  For that reason, some of us can not easily relate, through our own experience, to the mindset of the youngest generations.  They’ve grown up under a completely different environment.

This is especially true for us older conservatives, but you also see it with some of the older Democrats that are being ejected from power in favor of the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Ramsey explains the dynamic very well:

And to give some more insight on the type of environment white kids are growing up in today, we can see an example in today’s controversy from Esquire magazine, where the periodical was criticized for publishing an article that was insufficiently hateful of white men:

Whites Need to Organize

People are so distraught with the state of their government that they’re wondering if civil war is inevitable.  And it might be.  But before such a drastic step is taken, all peaceful means must first be exhausted.  And there are still a couple of peaceful avenues that remain.  But they require that we put aside our divisions and get organized and take action in an organized fashion.

In his State of the Union address, President Trump devoted 20 minutes to talk about the supposed anti-semitism problem that’s roiling the country.  Other than some hoaxes here and there, there is generally not a problem that I see.  In fact, Jews enjoy some of the greatest privileges in the country, all while using the media bullhorn to grind their axes against whites.  Their privilege is so great that they can’t even be criticized.

On the other hand, I heard that Trump devoted exactly 0 minutes talking about the widespread epidemic of anti-white racism and hatred that has taken ahold of practically every major institution — not just in America, but worldwide.

Trump bragged about the record-low unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics.

Consider that 90% of Jews and 90% of African Americans voted against Trump, and 75% of Hispanics voted against Trump.  The only demographic bloc that delivered Trump his victory is the very one he routinely ignores:  whites.  Whites are also the group that refuse to stick together to protect their own interests.  Blacks and Jews always vote with their tribe, and they almost always defend their own.  As the saying goes, “My tribe, right or wrong.”

White interests have been pushed out of positions of power in the media, in the universities, in the entertainment industry, and even in politics.  Could you imagine if whites tried to create a lobby as powerful as AIPAC?  It would simply never even be allowed.  The only remaining clout that whites have is also the biggest:  they make the broadest part of the working and tax-paying population.  (However, “the powers that be” are working hard, as we speak, to remove even that last remaining bit of power — by displacing white Americans from their jobs with “legal” immigrants.)

If the working class would organize a large-scale work and / or tax strike, things would change in a hurry.  First of all, blacks love to target whites as their oppressors and as the sole source of their misery.  If whites stopped paying taxes today, the food stamps would end tomorrow.  Then we can finally see some damn appreciation for our labors.  If whites stopped working today, the markets would collapse, the banking industry would freeze up, and your flush toilets would stop working.  If whites would organize and put aside their stupid differences and begin to make serious threats of work stoppages, we could regain control of the system.

Look at what the Yellow Vests are doing in France.  That kind of organization is necessary to be noticed.


Sit in the Back of the Bus

Anytime you hear talk of Democrats and Republicans coming together with a bipartisan bill, you can be sure of one thing: Americans are about to get hosed.

The pro-mass immigration Koch brothers’ network of billionaire, donor class organizations is backing a Republican-Democrat coalition that would allow for the swift outsourcing of middle-class American jobs to mostly Indian nationals.

A plan known as the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act introduced in the Senate by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), as well as Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), would eliminate the U.S. country caps in the legal immigration system that would fast track outsourcing of white-collar American jobs to mostly Indian and Chinese nationals imported to the country by businesses, outsourcing firms, and multinational corporations.

Translation:  Jobs that tend to be most affected by Indian recipients of H-1B visas are about to get hit even harder with this new bill.  Aren’t you glad that Congress is busy at work making your employment prospects as limited as possible?  And you thought they weren’t doing anything?  As if it wasn’t enough of a crime to hollow our the lower- and middle-income families by bringing in labor from south of the border, they want to eliminate Americans’ opportunity for higher-paying, white-collar jobs as well.

Is it no wonder that young people are so rapidly turning to socialism?  They are living a system that simply does not work for them.  They drop $100,000 for a college degree and the best they can do is make ten bucks an hour as a barista at Starbucks.  If you’re a millennial or Gen Z, you can forget about having a family these days or owning a nice home.  And all of this because the billionaire Koch brothers aren’t happy enough with their billions so they have to bribe the traitors in Congress to depress wages even more.  We graduate more Computer Science students every year than we have new job openings.  So why do we need to bring in these people from India?  It’s a simple equation:  they want to lay off their existing employees and replace them with cheaper labor simply so they can clear more profit.  They do not care about their fellow Americans.  There is no way you can have this kind of economic stratification that we see today without socialism taking roots in people’s hearts.  Consider this:  if these billionaires are destroying America by eliminating job opportunities for Americans, why shouldn’t Americans seek to destroy them right back?

In his State of the Union speech, President Trump said that “America will never be a socialist country.”  He also said, “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”  These two statements are a contradiction.  If President Trump does not build that wall and remove those here illegally and END legal immigration, America WILL BE a socialist country in less than a decade.  It is inevitable.  Because, for one, everybody that comes up from Central and South America ARE socialists.  And they don’t change their world philosophy just because they walk on United States dirt.  And two, because the more that you replace Americans’ job prospects with opportunities for “legal immigrants” — just to please the billionaire Koch brothers and the Chamber of Commerce lobbyists — the more you move these kids to demand socialism simply as a means of survival.  Those inclined to the political left will go to communist socialism.  Those inclined to the right will demand national socialism.

Recall a simple fact:  Americans do not want this bill.  They have never voted for this immigration system.  By a large margin they want immigration restrictions.  So how’s that democracy working out for us?

Playing to Win

For the sake of argument, let’s say two teams participate in a certain sport and play for a championship.  A wealthy person wants to own a team and win a championship.  What would he do?  He could buy a team and try to get the best players and hope that his team, eventually, wins the championship.  Or he can just be smart and buy both teams and be done with it.

Inherent in contemporary American politics is a global power unmatched by any other nation.  In that sense, politics can be more of a tool rather than merely an exercise of ideology.  For those who recognize and want to capture that power — to exercise it for their own ends — the divisions of left vs. right or Democrat vs. Republican are not important.  These divisions are only useful in the sense that they keep the American population divided upon itself, constantly arguing and distracted in prolonged, almost meaningless election battles.  The real powerful are way above the fray… they transcend the democratic process.  They don’t care about ideology.  They care about their own interests.  They can, simply, own both Democrats and Republicans to force their intended goals.

As an example, I present Jacob Wohl, who has magically popped onto the Twitter scene as some kind of right-leaning political talking head in the Trump era.  By some amazing feat he has managed to accumulate 182,000 followers.  In his profile he describes himself as a conservative, Trump supporter, and Zionist.

Let’s take a look at this tweet:

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, the “Greater Israel Plan” is basically a newer formulation of the Yinon Plan, which includes an idea that envisions Israel dramatically expanding its land area in the Middle East, as pictured in the following graphic:

Now how can this task be accomplished?  Well, for one, you will need to destabilize nations in the region by overthrowing their powerful governors — e.g., in Iraq and Syria — and watch as the national governments fall to pieces, allowing the total anarchy of disparate terrorist groups to reign.  You would also want to de-populate these countries through massive migration into, let’s say, Europe.

Does it sound ridiculous?  Well consider this video where Gen. Wesley Clark details a conversation he had after the September 11th attacks:

Consider also that the US Senate just voted by a large margin to force the President to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan.  This Senate, which can not figure out how to fix the health care affordability problems in this country, despite the strong desire of the American public, and which can not come together and agree on how to fix our disastrous immigration problems, again, despite the strong desire of the American public, can somehow, surprisingly, come together and agree on that very thing that Americans have said repeatedly that they DO NOT want:  our continued military action in the Middle East.  Why?  We’re an energy-independent nation now.  What is the point?  And now we hear more and more saber-rattling about regime change in Iran.  Doesn’t Iran have every reason to want to build a strong military defense? Why is the US Congress so resistant to giving Americans what they want in this area?

Fast-forward to today where kooky Rep. Ilhan Omar managed to say something accurate for a change, and was scolded for it.  She simply acknowledged that AIPAC — the Israeli lobbying group — has far too much power in Congress.  She was chided for showing a strain of “anti-Semitism” and was forced to apologize.  But the question we should ask is:  why do we tolerate ANY foreign country lobbying our elected officials?  Would we allow Japan or Spain or China to have an open and powerful lobbying group in Washington directing our foreign policy? And what policy is AIPAC “buying” with their money?  They say that it’s okay because Israel is our “Greatest Ally”.  Israel did not have a single boot on the ground in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Even the Netherlands and Australia had soldiers dying in Iraq.  Israel sent nobody to help.  That’s an ally?

So back to politics.  Isn’t it obvious that certain people are pushed on both the “left” and the “right” to gain trust from us average folks, but then guide us to… well… to put Israel first, of course!  I mean, if both sides accept it, and there’s no disagreement… it must be right!

Just what the hell is going on here?

Prediction: unless President Trump can keep Jared and his goons away, our military will not be withdrawing from the Middle East. And we could very well be seeing “regime change” in Iran in the future.

Europe: Get ready for more refugees.

“We Need to Recognize Our Privilege…”

London: Record Number of Fatal Stabbings

Oi, would you like a knife in your chest mate?

Fatal stabbings have reached the highest level on record, according to new figures revealing the scale of Britain’s knife crime crisis. The number of young people killed by knives rose by nearly 50% last year amid a surge of murderous violence, Home Office analysis showed.

Victims’ campaigners said the numbers were “horrifying” and claimed parents no longer felt safe allowing their children outside after dark.

It comes as police forces across the country struggle to cope with a rising tide of violent crime. …

There were 179 white victims of fatal stabbings, nearly two thirds of the total…

I wonder what could be causing this mysterious increase?  Can you imagine that the UK government is throwing their own kids to the wolves and don’t even give a shit?  They have to keep bringing in those migrants to keep the economy afloat.

UK knife crime; graphic courtesy The Telegraph

Now here’s a Frenchman who understands precisely what is going on.  These globalists are like a swarm of locusts, devouring our countries for their own gain.

Same Old Story

Leaders today:

Leaders yesterday:

“It doesn’t apply to military or law enforcement…”  Why the hell am I not surprised?  In a sane world this woman would be making sandwiches, not policy.


There’s Money to be Made in Those Body Parts

Didn’t I say these abortion creeps are getting donations to keep the racket going?  Remember when Planned Parenthood officials were caught on hidden video admitting that they sell baby body parts?

As always, follow the money.

How’s that democracy working out?

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran Submitted Bill To Save Caterpillars On Same Day As Late-Stage Abortion Bill

They’re just mocking us now.  Bringing a bill forward to allow abortion up to birth on the same day as a bill to protect cankerworms is designed to send a signal that boasts of their arrogance and power over us.


Moving to the Left

As the years wear on we see the nation moving more and more to the political left.  And the political parties have to move left just to keep up.

What is going on?

In a major shift that appears to help Democrats and liberals, one-third of the eligible voters in the upcoming 2020 presidential election will be non-white, the first time ever, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census data. …

The growth of non-white voters, which Pew said favored Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 election, comes at the expense of the white vote.

Pew said that the white vote will total 66.7 percent in 2020, down from 76.4 in 2000. …

A graphic accompanying the Pew analysis of Census data indicated that 10 percent of the eligible non-white vote will be immigrants.

“Taken together, this strong growth among minority populations means that a third of eligible voters will be non-white in 2020, up from about a quarter in 2000. This increase is at least partially linked to immigration and naturalization patterns: One-in-ten eligible voters in the 2020 election will have been born outside the U.S., the highest share since at least 1970,” said Pew.

The impact should be helpful to Democrats, according to the survey giant. It noted, “In 2016, non-white voters were more likely to back Democrat Hillary Clinton, while white voters were more likely to back Republican Donald Trump.”  (source)

Well there you have it.  In just a span of two decades, whites are 10% less share of the vote.

And how do non-whites vote?

2016 Election Results by Demographic

2018 Projected Results


Well there you have it.  There’s your leftward shift right there.

They are changing the fundamental political landscape of the nation simply by replacing the population — a replacement that the people did not vote for.  Those maps show the future of our country unless immigration is not only stopped, but reversed.  They need to be repatriated back to wherever they came from.


Virginia Governor Doubles Down

Yesterday we heard about a bill proposed in the Virginia state legislature to allow abortion all the way up until the final moments before birth.  Not to be outdone, Governor Ralph Northam — a “moderate” Democrat — spoke today about the bill and went so far as to say that he was okay with infants being killed… AFTER birth, if the mother and physician agree with it.

So there you have it… a prominent Democrat supporting post-birth “abortion”… which goes by the other term… infanticide.

What is so amazing is how this kind of talk is met with complete indifference. The Washington Post covered the news with following headline: Va. Gov. Northam faces fierce conservative backlash over late term abortion bill. The press — which is so quick to weigh in with their outrage when it’s over trivial stuff like a kid in a MAGA hat — deflects a problem like this by making it seem like it’s just something that “conservatives” should be upset about.

This country is doomed.

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