Category: Politics (page 6 of 7)

How’s That Democracy Working Out for Ya?

“But at least I have muh Constitution!”

We’re almost three years since the Brexit referendum where the British expressed, through the mechanism of the ballot box, that they wanted their nation out of the EU.  And to this day they’re no closer to the exit.

Two years ago the American people made clear that they want immigration stopped and a wall erected at the southern border.  And a single brick has yet to be laid.

Meanwhile, all over Europe and North America, the third-world invasion continues at break-neck pace — an invasion that no country’s people had voted for.  An invasion that is radically transforming their nations into something entirely different than what they once were.  Nations that now look a lot more like Africa and Pakistan than Ireland and Sweden.

Do you ever get the feeling that “democracy” is just a lie designed to make you believe that you have a choice in determining the future of your country?  And while you toil at the voting booth trying to effect “change”, The Powers That Be are busy looting your country?

I think I’ve had enough.  I’m ready for a king who is willing to rise up, take command and crush our enemies once and for all.


A Disturbing Trend Indeed

A middle school in California invoked disciplinary measures against a dozen kids after shocked parents discovered that they shared hateful messages in a private chat room and laid together in the shape of a swastika.

In total, 12 students at Matilija Junior High School in Ojai, southern California received a “disciplinary consequence” for exchanging offensive texts in a closed chat room or forming a ‘human swastika’ on a lawn during lunch break, the local school district’s superintendent Andy Cantwell confirmed on Tuesday. (source)

What’s that you say? A “human swastika”? Middle school students? I’m shocked!

A group of California junior high students were caught forming a swastika with their bodies on school grounds and exchanging racist and violent messages on a group chat, administrators said.

The middle school in Ojai, a small city 80 miles north-west of Los Angeles, told parents in a letter in December that officials had discovered photos showing “nine students laying on the field together to form the shape of a swastika during lunch”. Administrators said the images appeared in a group chat that was active in November and December and featured “racist, sexually inappropriate and threatening commentary”, including one student’s call “to bring knives to school”. The photos and texts have not been released.

Cyndi Silverman, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who has been working with Ojai school officials, told the Guardian that there were 28 students on the group chat, which featured a wide range of hateful content: “There were a number of texts that were anti-LGBTQ, antisemitic, anti-black, anti-Latino.” (source)

Wow! Thirteen-year-olds embracing the swastika? What could possibly be going on here?

Well, let’s take a stab at this one. This cohort has grown up being told that whites are the source of all the evils in the world. And everything their ancestors have ever built — including their very own countries — was all built off the backs of non-whites. All their wealth and achievements were stolen, not earned. They even coined a term for this: white privilege.

And now, as the narrative goes, it is time for whites to be dispossessed of the countries their ancestors built. It is time for whites to step aside and allow “people of color” to run this nation. It is time to submit, roll over, and open the borders for the great replacement.

But you know what? These kids grew up with smartphones and tablets and laptops. Smartphones and tablets and laptops with Internet access, where they can circumvent the official narrative of the mainstream media and read sites where the truth is presented unvarnished and uncensored. They have less disgust for the pawns of the third-world invasion than they do for the architects — in the government, the media, in Hollywood and the music industry, the banking industry — and by an overwhelming proportion those architects are atheist Jews. They know that Hollywood is coordinating efforts to push degeneracy into the cultural norm, to destroy our children before they even come of age. They know that blacks don’t have the means to come up with and sustain an elaborate, unending grievance narrative; that, instead, blacks are learning that message from our new culture-setters. They know that the primary pushers for war intervention in the Middle East just have that uncanny characteristic of being “dual-citizens”, with a primary allegiance to a certain other Middle East country that benefits from these wars.

Do we see where this is going?

“The thought that nine middle school students took it upon themselves to form a human swastika is chilling,” Silverman said. “In 2017, we saw a 94 percent increase in hate incidents in K-12 schools, and, unfortunately, this is yet another example of this disturbing trend.” (source)

A disturbing trend indeed.

Back to School in Anytown, USA

People wonder why school shootings happen?

This sort of violence is happening all across the nation, and it’s almost entirely black-on-white. We know because the perpetrators think it’s funny to take video and post it on the various social media sites. However, the media will never cover it. If it is covered, it will be in the local media only.

The national media has no interest in covering what is clearly a widespread black-on-white crime spree both in and out of our schools. But if a couple of black guys are asked to leave a Starbucks because they’re not patrons? CNN will be on it 24/7 as evidence of “systemic racism”.

Blacks have been taught — by the media, the schools, the music industry — that all of their problems are caused by the white man. And now, motivated by those phantom grievances, blacks feel that they have free reign to do whatever they want to white folks. (And for the most part, the way the justice system works in this country, and the way these schools operate, it’s mostly true — they go largely unpunished.)

This crisis is all over the country, and the media has a blackout in effect. The videos are all out there on the internet. But just think of all the incidents that are never captured on video.

How about with a pair of brass knuckles? It’s 21st century America — you’re allowed to punch whitey now for no reason at all!

This is happening with astonishing frequency. And if you get most of your information from the TV or newspapers, you probably don’t even know it’s happening. Why? Because they’re liars and they want to cultivate a narrative of black victim-hood.

The young white kids growing up today are feeling a lot like Germans in the late 1920s. Mark my words… there is seething rage out there that will boil over.

It’s Plain and Simple and Unavoidable

Forecast: 2019 Could be the Best Year in the History of the Entire Universe

ZeroHedge gives us this helpful headline: Riots Loom As Food Stamp Cash Will Run Out By End Of January If Government Shutdown Continues

Michael Snyder explains:

According to the Department of Agriculture, if this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps. And it certainly looks like this shutdown could last for quite a while, because President Trump is not backing down on his demand for border wall funding, and the Democrats have pledged not to give him a single penny.

So a few weeks from now, approximately 38 million people could be suddenly cut off from the food stamp program. If that scenario were to unfold, there is no telling what could happen. After just a few days, government workers are already freaking out about having their paychecks delayed. If people are getting this restless already, what will things look like when tens of millions of Americans are suddenly cut off from their primary source of food money?

Be still, my beating heart…


Playing with Fire

Democrats and Republicans would be wise — and I know I’m already going off the rails here with undue hope — to take a peer over at Europe to get an idea of what is likely to come this way if they don’t pull their heads out of their asses and get serious about governing.  Think the protests in France can’t quickly spiral into a larger conflagration?  Think the rise of right-wing parties over there is just an anomaly?  Europeans have a way of being a harbinger of unsettling moods.

Democrats and Republicans can dig their heels in and cry and pout and play games all they want, but one thing is certain:  as the years wear on, the people of this country are not going to magically become more tolerant of our disastrous immigration policy.

If they were smart they would find a way to work with Trump and diffuse the heat a bit.  Because if they don’t… they won’t want to see who comes after Trump.

And I’m not convinced they’re smart.


Goodbye, General Mattis

The media is making much hay out of the fact that General Mattis resigned as President Trump’s Defense Secretary with a resignation letter that aired his grievances with the President’s foreign policy views.  The media loves stuff like that because they think it makes the President look dumb and uninformed, in contrast to the “decorated” general.

But let’s go back to the beginning to find the first fissure and let us see if indeed Mattis was the bigger man or not.

In early 2017 the President signed an order to forbid transgendered people from entering the armed forces.  From the reports that have come out, it was Gen. Mattis that thwarted and prevented the implementation of this new policy (which was simply a reversion to the policy of a few years ago).  At this point it’s important to recall the order of things:  the president is the commander in chief.  The defense secretary is his subordinate.  The defense secretary informs and advises the president.  The president makes the actual decisions.  The defense secretary carries out the president’s orders.  This is how a sane government works.  President Trump’s order (to exclude the transgendered) is logical and promotes the common good of the armed forces.  As such, Gen. Mattis had absolutely no moral authority or standing to prevent its implementation.

From there, things unraveled.

Shortly after these events, we began to read reports in the media that the President was making foreign policy decisions without consulting his defense secretary.  Well… why would he?  Seriously — why would he?  Mattis couldn’t carry out a simple order.  What trust should the President have had in him after that?

It is surprising that Mattis lasted as long as he did.  For how can a military be effectively run if members are free to ignore the orders of their superiors?  Surely a general would know this?


Tucker Carlson is the Only Honest Person on Television

Playing Dumb or Lying, Which Could it be?

Fifteen years ago this argument would have been considered well-intentioned.  Ten years ago, naive.  Five years ago outright stupid.  Today?  It sounds like lying to me.

Dan Crenshaw, who was just elected to the House, wrote this op-ed for the Washington Post criticizing President Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria.  Among his arguments is one that was made immediately after 9/11:  that we have to fight the terrorists over there so that we don’t fight them here.  At this time, in late 2018, could there be a lie more offensive to our intelligence than this?

Consider what is happening all across the West.  There are now 30 million Muslims in continental Europe.  A million Muslims a year pour into European countries — and most of them are young, sturdy, fighting-age men with a fighting, conquering mentality.  The US and Canada are no different.  Rapes, murders and terrorist attacks have now become common in Europe, even now in parts where violence was unheard of, like Sweden.

Under the surface, Europe has an ARMY of tens of millions of radicalized Muslim males.  And as we see in France over and over again, they have access to weapons.

Does anybody feel safer?

Ever since the wars in Syria and Libya — which Western nations precipitated — millions of fighting-age “refugees” have fled to Europe and have begun the process of conquering the nations there.

Meanwhile, the US is being invaded from the Southern border and being conquered in its own way.  Where the hell is the military to defend our nation?

To say that the American and European governments have created a policy to prevent Muslims from bringing the fight to our homelands is an outright lie.  The governments welcome these very people with refugee status, give them free government benefits and housing, and do nothing to tighten our immigration laws.  There will be war in our homelands, and the banal tropes of those like Crenshaw will be powerless to stop it.  If he were serious about protecting America, he would call for an immigration ban on Muslims, strong border security, and propose a plan for deporting the Muslims that are already here.

As for President Trump, let us consider two facts:

  1. The President is representing the will of the people, which is overwhelmingly against troop deployments in Syria.  Sometimes I think the President is the only one on the federal payroll who understands that democratically-elected governments must take into consideration the actual will of the people when forming policy.  Crenshaw appears to be one of many who are uninterested in representing the American people.
  2. The Congress had already voted — under President Obama — to explicitly NOT authorize troop deployments in Syria.  This means that these deployments are illegal under the War Powers Act and President Trump is legally bound to end them.  He is merely doing what the law requires of him.


Tough Negotiator

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