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A Metaphor of South Africa

Meanwhile, on the home front… Wanting to defend your nation’s heritage is literally Hitler!

Doesn’t this lady have her own country she can go to rather than wrecking ours?

Muh Constitution!

Another perfect example of a Republican cuck who loves nothing more than losing:

This country is being invaded and turned into a socialist third-world hellhole and this guy’s worried about whether or not building a wall is constitutional?  Could these people be any more clueless?

By the way when is Congress going to repeal ObamaCare?  Or end our unconstitutional troop deployments in the Middle East?


Legal and Safe

From Breadbasket to Famine

Once upon a time Zimbabwe — formerly known as Rhodesia — had such strong agricultural output that it was considered a breadbasket of the southern portion of Africa.  Well, times have changed.

The UN and Zimbabwean authorities on Thursday launched an urgent appeal for $234 million (205 million euros) for more than five million people in need of aid. The appeal came as UN Humanitarian Affairs chief Mark Lowcock visited the country to assess its problems.

Funds are needed to “provide urgent food, health, water, sanitation, hygiene and protection support” for 2.2 million people of the 5.3 million people in need over the next six months, the United Nations said in a statement.

“In areas across the country, there are acute shortages of essential medicines, and rising food insecurity has heightened the risk of gender-based violence, particularly for women and girls.”

Zimbabwe’s economy has been on a new downward spiral since 2012. In January, annual inflation shot to 57% from 42.09% in December 2018, according to official figures.

Boy… things aren’t looking so good ever since they killed and drove out the whites from there.  Apparently things like farming and running countries are hard work.  Unfortunately, whitey will still end up paying for it all anyway through “UN aid”.

Maybe the Chinese will have better luck…

…or maybe not.

“Brits” Rising Up

Consider the following headline out of the UK:  “Furious parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

Okay, just kidding!  Here’s the REAL headline:  “Furious MUSLIM parents withdraw 600 kids from Parkfield School over ‘LGBT’ row”.

You didn’t really think the native Brits would have the balls to rise up against their government overlords who are trying to push fag sex onto their kids, did you?  You didn’t really think they cared enough about their own kids to shield them from a bunch of freaks trying to teach them how to have buttsex, did you?

This is why I’m convinced Muslims are going to conquer Europe. They’re not a bunch of pozzed pussies like Westerners have become.

Furious Muslim parents reportedly withdrew 600 children from Parkfield Community School today after claiming they were being ‘brainwashed’ over gay lifestyles.

The pupils were taken out of classes as the row surrounding LGBT lifestyles being taught openly in the classroom escalated.

Kids have been withdrawn over the school’s “undermining of parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality”, according to Alum Rock Community Forum.

The forum adds: “Dialogue, petitioning and protests by parents have been repeated and arrogantly ignored.”

Dad Abdul Ma, 46, told the Sun : “This is a brainwash.”

“We bring our children here so they can later work as a solicitor or a teacher, not to be taught about being gay or a lesbian.”

Razina Mahmood, 40 added: “This is nothing but indoctrination of our children.”

“You are using our children as an experiment.”

When the hell are the native Brits (or any whites) going to do something effective like this?

Look at the ages of the kids being brainwashed:

“I have nothing against him and I fully respect his beliefs but this should be stopped being taught in schools. It’s not necessary. It’s confusing children.”

My little girl is four, she’s in reception and she came home asking me if it’s OK to be a boy instead of a girl and has dressed up in her brother’s clothes. She’s four years old.”

Mohammed Sakib, aged 37, who has children aged eight, nine and 10 at Parkfield Community School, added: “I respect all religions but why should sexuality be taught to primary school-aged children? It’s out of control.”

“[Mr Moffat] seems a friendly and good-natured guy but he needs to respect us as Muslim parents. He needs to listen.”

Another mum, who has children aged seven and 11 at Parkfield Community School, added: “Why does my seven-year-old girl need to be taught about same-sex marriages and homosexuality?”

“She should be playing, having fun and should be learning about English and maths. This curriculum is putting ideas into their heads.”



De-personing President McKinley

Not satisfied with removing statues of Confederate generals and soldiers, they’ve now moved on to removing statues of actual presidents.  Don’t be fooled — this is simply yet another anti-white attack disguised as political correctness.  Go back to the 19th century and try to find me any group that was more moral than white folks.  Good luck!

After years of contentious debate, an act of vandalism and a public vote, President William McKinley has lost his home at the center of Arcata Plaza in Humboldt County.

McKinley’s expansionist policies are now widely viewed as racist toward indigenous people. During his presidential tenure at the turn of the century, McKinley annexed tribal lands in the western U.S. and Hawaii in the name of Manifest Destiny.

A public vote on a measure to protect the state was voted down in Nov. 2018, allowing the city council to move forward with removal plans. The city confirmed that the statue is now gone via press release Thursday. Social media images captured the removal process.

They’re erasing you from history, white man.  No history, no future. They hate you and want you gone. They’re not motivated by justice, but rather by hate born from envy.

Piety: The Forgotten Virtue

To understand why we’re in such a mess today we need to consider how we have allowed ourselves to be cut off from our traditions.  And we can’t do that without considering the role of piety.  The word comes from the Latin pietas which means a dutifulness towards God, nation, family, etc., such that one should show honor and a sense of responsibility to those to whom they owe a debt of gratitude.  In ancient Roman times, pietas was considered a high virtue; but in the Christian religion it was raised to the dignity of one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.  So piety belongs to the virtue of justice because it demands that we give what is due to one who is owed.

Now let us consider this amazing event in the life of our Lord:

And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the solemn day of the pasch, And when he was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast, And having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day’s journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him.

And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? did you not know, that I must be about my father’s business? And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them.

And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.

(Luke 2:41-51)

The part in bold is translated in the New Lectionary as: “…and was obedient to them”.

For the purposes of this discussion, the relevance of this event is that it establishes that, to God, the Fourth Commandment is so important that He, in the person of Jesus, was even willing to submit and be obedient to His human parents, Mary and Joseph.  So God Himself insists on obeying the Fourth Commandment — to set an example for us.

To recall the Fourth Commandment:  Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

With a little bit of reflection we can see that this commandment is fulfilled with the virtue of piety.

The new Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that this commandment applies to all those to whom we have a duty:  “The fourth commandment is addressed expressly to children in their relationship to their father and mother, because this relationship is the most universal. It likewise concerns the ties of kinship between members of the extended family. It requires honor, affection, and gratitude toward elders and ancestors. Finally, it extends to the duties of pupils to teachers, employees to employers, subordinates to leaders, citizens to their country, and to those who administer or govern it.”  (paragraph 2199, emphasis mine)

So the problem that Western countries have today is that we do not show honor, respect or gratitude to our ancestors.  We have refused the traditions (or ways) that they passed on to us.  We have rejected their culture.  We have rejected their religion.  We’ve rejected their arts, philosophy, theology, ways of worshiping — all of it.  We thought that we were better than our ancestors, and we could throw off their ways and come up with all of our new stuff.

This is why the New Mass that Pope Paul VI promulgated in 1969 was so incredibly dangerous to the life and health of the Church, and therefore our very nations.  Can you imagine for a moment that the order of the Mass was passed on practically unchanged for at least 1,500 years (as far as records document), only to have a handful of people in the Vatican come up with something completely different in the 1960s, and then force it on the Church’s faithful?  Is that honoring our ancestors, as the Fourth Commandment requires?  Is that showing gratitude?  Does that respect our traditions?  Is that an expression of piety or not?

But it’s not just in the Church now.  It’s in our countries.  We’ve cut ourselves off from all the arts of our forefathers, and now we have all this garbage you see on TV or hear on iTunes.  Our contemporary political systems make absolutely no sense at all.  We have a banking industry built on usury — in complete rejection of the laws of our ancestors.  We think we’re better than them because we now have Crest toothpaste and air conditioning.  Are we really better?  Let’s look at it objectively:  we have demonstrated that we have not been able to maintain the civilization that they had built and handed on to us.  So we can’t even maintain what they built.  Who has the bigger accomplishment?

So what is the consequence of cutting ourselves off from our traditions?  Well it’s like cutting the boat’s rope from safe harbor, and our boat is floating at sea being ripped apart by the storm.  We no longer have access to the bulwark of safety, which is our great culture and the wisdom of our forefathers.  And if we don’t smarten up quick and take our obligation to piety more seriously, what is the long-term consequence?  Well it’s right there in the Fourth Commandment.  It says that if we obey this moral law, “our days may be long in the land which the Lord gives us”.  The implication is that if we don’t obey, we’re not going to keep this land that is ours.  And if we don’t think that’s possible, we would be wise to look at what’s happening with the third-world invasion of Europe, or what’s happening across America’s southern border.

If you hear anybody insulting our ancestors then go ahead and pop ’em right in the nose.  I don’t care if it’s a movie, a school textbook, some talking-head idiot on TV or whatever.  Don’t let them separate us from our people.  They want us to disown and disrespect our own blood.  If we feel shame for our ancestors, imagine what they would think of our ingratitude.

Be pious.  Even the ancient Romans and pagans were pious before the time of Christianity.  We can do it too, and we have God and our ancestors to help us.


An Inspiring Ballad Featuring Jeezy and Rich Homie Quan

Americans bought the lie of equality and, well… Congratulations!  Here’s your new culture:

When that video has 300 MILLION views, you can be sure that this isn’t something limited to just black culture. This is all of America. This is what your kids listen to.

The American people have rejected the great culture, philosophy, achievements and traditions of their ancestors and now they’re consuming “art” from these ignorant slobs who haven’t even figured out how to wear pants yet.  And now nature is going to exact its punishment for our lack of piety and fidelity.

Prediction: within 50 years we won’t even have indoor plumbing in this country any more.

Melbourne, London, Chicago: It’s the Same Everywhere

It seems it doesn’t matter where you go in the world: where there’s blacks, there’s trouble.

And Chicago has a lot of blacks.

A recurring theme seems to be mob assaults on the CTA Red Line subway trains. Here’s the latest group of “teens” contributing to society:

This is just the latest in a recurring problem. Last year, on several occasions, there have been many Chicago-area stores vandalized and trashed by roving mobs of “teens”. A similar assault occurred against a Chinese man and his girlfriend before New Years.  The man suffered a fractured eye socket. Why is this happening? Can a Chinese man be blamed for the “racial injustices” of America’s past?  Or could that just be a bullshit excuse to do violence?

Of course, the Chicago police are useless to do anything about these mobs. In fact the Superintendent is on record saying that it’s just “kids doing goofy things”. How do you see it: Is the government going to protect you?

How about our media? Do they make an issue of the epidemic of black-on-white violence that’s occurring out there? Have they talked about the Knockout Game? Why are they not covering the extraordinary amount of completely unprovoked hate crimes that are happening against whites? Why aren’t these criminals being charged with hate crimes? Is it okay when whites are the victims? The mainstream media will go to great lengths to talk about any of the various hate hoaxes out there. Day after day after day they whip up the hysteria over these hoaxes. But when are they going to focus on the black-on-white crimes?  With whom does the racism lie in this country? And why is our criminal justice system so futile at addressing this problem?  What is the long-term solution here?  What value do these people bring to the country?

Folks, a bit of advice: Stay far away from these people. Especially when you see them grouped in three or more.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or you’re elderly — they are incapable of empathy.  And if you have kids in school, get them the hell out of there. Why take the risk?

And yes, I have checked the following statistics. They are accurate.

Does This Look Like America?

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